
Podcast Club

you're invited!

Become a member of the Girls Night inner circle!

The Girls Night Podcast Club is your chance to connect more deeply with the show, with Stephanie (🙋🏼‍♀️I'm SO excited about this!) and to get to know other Girls Night listeners just like you!


The Girls Night Podcast Club

We're taking Girls Night out of our headphones and into real life!

Each week, we'll listen to the latest episode of the Girls Night Podcast and talk through it together as a community — talking about what we learned, how we're growing, where we want to go, and what we need help with in order to get there.

And the best part is, you'll have a whole crew of (amazing!!) women learning and growing right alongside you, and helping you along the way!

It's like a book club, girls night style!

I feel like there are so many best friendships just waiting to happen!!

Membership is FREE. All you have to do is create a profile and leave a review for the Girls Night Podcast on iTunes, and you're in!

As a member of the club you'll get to...

Join our private Facebook group

When you join the club, you'll get access to a private Facebook group full of other Girls Night listeners from around the country, around the world, and maybe even some that live right in your hometown!

My hope is that this feels less like a Facebook group and more like we’re all just piled into my living room — laughing, talking, telling stories, and giving encouragement (and eating pizza, of course!). 


Get the inside scoop!

As a member of the Girls Night Podcast Club, you'll officially be part of our inner circle. That means you’ll get access to exclusive resources, products, discounts, updates, and be the first to know all of our Girls Night and SMW news!

you'll also have a chance to...

Make real life friends

When you join the Girls Night Podcast Club, you’ll get to see (and add your name to!) our Girls Night Community Directory. That way you’ll be able to see everyone who’s in the club, see all the things you have in common, find people who live in your same town, and connect with each other in real life!

(In-person girls nights? Yes please!!)

you're invited

Become a member of our inner circle,
The Girls Night Podcast Club!

Membership is FREE. All you have to do is create a profile and leave an iTunes review for The Girls Night Podcast, and you're in! (Don't worry, we'll walk you through it!)

join the club