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A quiz to help prepare your heart for the day your love story starts

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A mentor helped me reflect on this question in my own life just a few years before I met my husband.

I had been mentioning (read: crying about 😭😫) the fact that I really thought I was ready to meet my person, but he just hadn’t shown up in my life yet...

… and that’s when she asked me this question.

"If your person walked into your life tomorrow, would you be ready?"

For years, I had thought I was ready. I felt ready! And by that, I mean that my heart often ached with how much I wanted to meet my person and get married. 

But when she asked me this question, and when I really took the time to answer it, I was surprised by the fact that maybe I wasn’t so ready after all. 🤷🏼‍♀️

maybe i wasn't so ready after all

I wanted to have a rich, fulfilling life to invite him into, a great group of friends, a deep, connected relationship with God. I wanted to have healed from some of the things I’d been through over the last several years so I wouldn’t be bringing that baggage into our marriage.

And as I reflected on this question, I could see that there was a bit of a gap between those two people — the person I was at the time, and the person I wanted to be when my husband walked into my life.

I wanted to be the best version of myself on the day I met my future husband — full of joy and confidence. 

(And really, the person I wanted to be in general!)

I had some room to grow, and my mentor helped me see that if I did that growing, the marriage I’d end up with would be so much better as a result.

I took her word for it and did the work: The reflecting, the healing, the learning, the growing, and I have to say, she was so right!

this changed everything!

Through eight reflection questions and an in-depth answer guide, Are You Ready will help you reflect on the same question I did — helping you figure out if you're ready to meet your person. (Or if you need a little more time!) It'll help you discern whether it's time to put yourself out there, or time to focus inward for a little bit longer.

But that’s not all.

You’ll also walk away with practical steps you can take today to invest in your marriage before it even starts.

If your person walked into your life tomorrow, would you be ready?

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The questions, insights, and action steps I'm going to share with you in this workbook transformed my marriage, and I truly believe they’ll do the same for you.

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I'm an author and a podcaster and my biggest passion is helping women navigate some of the major life transitions so many of us experience in our 20s and 30s...

Being single and getting into a relationship, getting engaged and then married, changing jobs, moving to a new city, and (this is the HUGE transition I've been going through lately!)... becoming a mom.

I’m here to be a mentor, a friend, a guide, and a cheerleader. I'm here to tell you that you're not alone in what you're going through, and that you WILL make it through.

I'm here to remind you of who you are (Enough and not too much. Adored, cherished, beautiful, and deeply loved.) and to remind you who God is (We talk about God a lot around here!).

I’m also here to equip you with as many resources as possible to help you not only survive these gigantic transitions, but truly thrive. (This workbook is one of my very favorites!)

I am so glad you're here.

Meet Steph

I'm Stephanie May Wilson!

It's so nice to meet you!