Important question for
but on most days aren't sure if they're doing it right.
What if the best thing you can do for your love life doesn't involve spending more and more time on dating apps? (It feels like searching for a needle in a haystack sometimes, right?)
What if the key to thriving in your dating life is actually tied to the way you live your single life—the more you invest in your single life, the more you thrive in both?
What if it's so much better than that?
Sitting in your kitchen, sipping coffee from your favorite mug, you open Instagram and begin scrolling...
"Why is this happening for everybody but me?"
You're trying to be patient, but a girl can only take so much!
You tell yourself it’s not personal. It’s just timing. It’s just circumstances. It’ll happen. But your heart sinks anyway as a flood of familiar insecurities rise to the surface.
Your thoughts continue...
“Am I not trying hard enough? Do I need to be more proactive? Do I need to give online dating another try?”
You're hoping that's not the answer. You feel totally lost when it comes to dating, and small talk with strangers is not your spiritual gift.
You can’t believe it. Another friend is engaged. That’s the third one this week!
You want to trust God. You're trying to. But you're not always sure what that looks like — or what you're supposed to do while you wait.
(And sometimes you wonder if your prayers are getting stuck in God's Spam folder.)
You're trying to be content but not complacent. You're trying to be patient while also being proactive. But nothing you do really seems to make a difference.
You’ve tried to put yourself out there and really go all-in. You’ve tried to forget about dating and focus on other things — after all, everyone says it’ll happen when you least expect it. Right?
You feel like you've tried everything, but none of it has worked.
You feel like you should buy real estate in the friend-zone for how often you find yourself there.
You feel like you’re destined to always be the bridesmaid, but never be the bride.
And on that note, this whole season would be a whole lot easier if you didn’t have to sit through quite so many weddings and baby showers.
You’re happy for your friends, and you wish they didn’t, but those events really do sting.
It feels like your friends are all moving on without you, like you're falling behind in life, like all the good ones are going to be taken.
Also, in particularly hard moments, you find yourself doing the fertility math. Are you going to be able to have the family you’ve spent your entire life praying for?
Ugh — you honestly can’t go down that road.
You know this is a journey, and most of the time, you can even see the beauty in it.
(Even if it IS taking a bit longer than you’d like.)
But these days, more than ever, you’re just wishing you had a better map to guide you along the way.
You've spent so much time and energy chatting with guys that never ask you out, going on dates that never lead anywhere, reading dating books that never make a difference, and listening to singleness sermons that never seem to help.
And speaking of wasting time, you don’t want to waste this time in your life either!
You know we get one wild and precious life and while sometimes you do feel like you’re slogging through this chapter of it (and you occasionally wish you could skip ahead a few pages), you want to live this season well.
You don’t want to look back on these years of your life and wish you’d done things differently.
You're starting to think you might need some help with all of this
You're starting to think you might need some help with all of this
No more vague theories and unhelpful instructions. (Looking at you, "You just need to put yourself out there more!") You need someone to spell it out for you — to tell you exactly what to do so you can stop spinning your wheels with the rest. (You don't want to go on more awkward first dates than absolutely necessary!)
You need a plan that’s researched, practical, and proven — based in psychology as well as rooted in scripture. You need something that will actually make a difference in your dating life. (Again, you’re willing to put in your time, but you're not interested in wasting another minute of it!)
Your pastor is amazing, but he married his high school sweetheart thirty years ago. You want to hear from someone who really understands what you're going through — a woman who has actually dated... you know... in the last decade or so.
There aren’t many people you feel comfortable being completely honest with about this part of your life. You really could use some friends in your same season of life who actually get what you’re going through.
but you need something that's actually helpful.
You need a resource that doesn’t make you feel bad for wanting to be married, but that also doesn’t talk about marriage like it’s the end-all-be-all for your life.
Last, but not least, you’d love a resource that treats you like the incredible, confident, smart, grown-up woman that you are — not something that talks to you like you’re less-than for being single or that sounds like a cheesy pamphlet they’d hand out in youth group.
it would be so nice to have a real plan
And you want a plan that works!
ANd you'd love to have more friends in your corner.
You want a balanced perspective
And you need to be treated with respect.
"This course completely transformed the way I view not only my single life, but my life as a whole."
"I believe this course will be one of the biggest things I did in my single life to set me up for a wonderful married life."
"Since taking the course I've become more of the woman I always dreamed of becoming. Even my family has noticed!"
The only course for Christian women that teaches a step-by-step plan to savor, enjoy, and truly make the most of your single life — all the while setting yourself up for amazing relationships (and marriage!) in the future.
Transform a Season of Waiting into One of Passion, Purpose, and Preparation
dreaming about my future husband and waiting around for marriage to find me, all the while missing out on living my best life.
Then, I figured out how to live a single life I loved—which is also how I was in the right place at the right time to meet my husband — and how I was ready for that wonderful relationship when it arrived.
I suddenly found myself the go-to dating guide for my friends, and family, and for thousands of my blog readers who wanted to know what I’d learned along the way.
One by one, I responded to thousands of women’s emails — talking them through breakups, first dates, confusing “does he like me?” scenarios, and reminding them who they are and how much they’re worth when they just needed a pep talk.
All the advice I found was cheesy and unhelpful at best, and damaging at worst.
(There’s a lot of BAD advice out there!)
So I figured if I couldn’t find a resource I truly felt good about sharing with my people, I’d have to make one.
10 years and more than 7,000 students later, I am truly floored by the ways God has used this course in women's lives!
I began to look for some resources — something helpful I could point people to. But I couldn’t find anything I resonated with.
No one was teaching the things that had made such a difference in my life and relationships.
You'll learn:
✔️ Why you're still single (Spoiler alert: It's NOT because you've messed everything up, or because you're unlovable. I'll prove it to you!)
✔️ What God says about marriage (this will change the way you pray about it!)
✔️ How to embrace your desire for marriage without making it an idol
✔️ How to stop being afraid of being single forever
✔️ What it looks like to wait well and trust God with this season
✔️ The question that when you answer it and live according to the answer will lead to a single life you LOVE
You'll learn:
✔️ How to start enjoying your single life instead of just enduring it
✔️ How to infuse your life with more joy and contentment while quieting pesky comparison
✔️ How to design a life you love (and how that might just be how you meet a really great guy!)
✔️ How to use this season to form the community you've always wanted
✔️ How to grow closer to God in this season
You'll learn:
✔️ How to know if you're ready to be in a relationship
✔️ What part of finding a husband is up to God (how much you should be waiting on God), and what part is up to you (how much you should be taking initiative)
✔️ How to be proactive in dating while still being pursued
✔️ What you should be looking for in a guy (and what you should avoid!)
✔️ How to keep yourself from settling for the wrong guy
✔️ How to find good, quality men to date (Even if it feels like you've run out of options!)
✔️ How you go from finding those good, quality guys to actually going on a date with them
✔️ How to keep yourself out of the friend zone
✔️ How to flirt in a way that's totally not awkward or embarrassing
✔️ The decision I made (that you can make too!) that will help you live a life you love, become the woman you've always wanted to be, make you more likely to meet a really great guy, and help you be in a great place to be in a great relationship when you do
You'll learn:
✔️ How to use this season to become the woman you've always wanted to be
✔️ How to start believing you are who God says you are
✔️ How to create a plan that will help you grow in the ways you've always wanted to grow
✔️ Why investing in yourself is actually the best way to set yourself up for a great relationship in the future
✔️ A powerful tool for building confidence (Which also happens to be your dating secret-sauce!)
"This is the sermon on singleness you've always wanted."
"The course is the sermon on singleness you’ve always wanted but have never found. LYSL is helpful, applicable, relatable, and actually enjoyable. Stephanie's teachings are so worth your time and money."
I knew the course was going to be good, but I had no idea just how good.
"I would just sit there astounded about how almost every question that I had wrestled with would get completely demystified within seconds. This course gets into every detail about being single, dating, past relationships, sex, it doesn’t leave anything out! Stephanie, you KNOW your stuff."
"This is not just another “help for singles” article, self-help philosophy, or list of shallow, ‘churchy’ advice!
"This course will help you dig deep into yourself — to determine and define who you are and to get closer to the God who adores you. If you need fresh perspective, some direction, and just need to feel loved and understood, SIGN UP! It’s like a girls night, a spa day for your heart, and a Bible study all rolled into one."
17 easy to follow video lessons full of step-by-step prompts and mindset shifts that have helped 7,000+ women make the most of their single lives.
7 hours of bonus videos all about sex, friendship, pursuit, online dating, and more!
A 102-page workbook, so you can journal through all the video lessons and study questions, keeping record of the things God’s doing in your heart during this program. Many of the lessons have their own exercises, and this printable workbook creates space for you to really dig into the curriculum.
The Resource Collection, with book recommendations, Bible studies, sermons, podcasts, and more to help you dig deeper on the topic.
A Daily Prayer—because we know prayer changes things, often starting in our own hearts. When you don't have the words to pray over all this, you can fall back on this one-page printable over and over again.
join the waitlist
"If I had to describe the Love Your Single Life course in one word, that word would be ’transformative.'"
"I went to a small Christian college that was drowning in Ring by Spring culture - everybody was desperate to get engaged by the spring of their senior year. It was overwhelming and it wasn’t always healthy.
I started this course in the midst of my senior year, and it changed everything for me. I finally let go of the fear that I'd be single forever, I went to therapy, invested in my friendships, moved abroad, and got my masters degree!
If I had to describe the Love Your Single Life course in one word, that word would be ’transformative.'"
"LYSL is truly the best investment I've ever made in myself."
"Before the course, I said I was content with being single, but deep down I was still incredibly insecure about it. Steph's course allowed me to explore the value of singleness, and today I am truly happy and content with being single!
I also feel ready to date. Growing up in church, I did not learn much about dating and relationships besides the "date with the intention to marry" advice. As a result, I have always been anxious about dating. Steph's course taught me how to flirt, how to talk to guys, and how to show a guy that I am interested in him, and more. LYSL is truly the best investment I've ever made in myself."
"Take it from a former skeptic: buy the course. It won’t jinx you and it’s worth every penny!"
"Stumbling upon the LYSL course shortly after ending a six year relationship, I couldn’t close my computer fast enough. I didn’t want to love my single life. About a year later, I decided I had nothing left to lose and ended up signing up for LYSL. I left the course not just loving my single life but loving my whole life in general. Take it from a former skeptic: buy the course. It won’t jinx you and it’s worth every penny!"
You may be single, but does it sometimes feel like your sex-drive didn’t get the memo? In this video, we’re having an honest, shame-free conversation about how we should handle our sexuality as single women. We’re talking about where the line is, what’s okay and what’s not, if we should be waiting to have sex until marriage, and if so, what to do with our sex drive until then. Last (but certainly not least!) we’re going to have an honest talk about masturbation. Shame-free. Promise!
the bonus collection
In this bonus video, you’ll meet my charming and hilarious friend Carly who’s explored the ins and outs of the online dating landscape (and has the BEST stories from her journey along the way). But Carly didn’t just walk away from online dating with great stories, she walked away with a husband! She met her husband using a dating app, and in this video she’ll tell us the whole story.
She’ll tell us about her reservations about online dating, why she decided to give it a try anyway, the inside scoop on dating apps versus websites, the philosophy about dating that really worked for her, and she’ll share her advice for you if online dating is something you’re thinking about too!
All it takes is one family gathering to want to wear a sign around your neck that says “don’t ask me about my dating life,” right?
In this video, we’re unpacking how to answer the “are you dating” question, how to have patience with parents through these conversations, how to protect our hearts in the midst of those questions, how to graciously answer with truth, and beyond.
As single women, one of the hardest things is when it feels like your friends are moving on—dating, getting married, having kids.
This bonus video will take you by the hand and walk you through nine perspective shifts that will help you maintain and strengthen the beautiful friendships you’ve cultivated as your best friends are going through seasons that look different from yours.
In this video, you’ll meet my amazing friend Brianna — a woman who lives a vibrant, joyful, adventurous, Christ-focused life. In this video she'll teach us...
✔️ How to make travel a priority (even if you have no one to go with!)
✔️ How to maintain amazing friendships even after your friends get married (you’ll never avoid being 3rd wheel again!)
✔️ We talk about waiting until you’re married to have sex (and the blessings that come from still waiting even when you’re waiting longer than you planned!)
✔️ And we talk about our biological clocks and why she trusts Jesus with her desire to have a family
What do you do when you have a heart for motherhood … but that’s not exactly something that’s in the cards right now?
In this video, you'll meet KayLynn — a dear friend of mine who shows us how sometimes God’s best plans for our lives don’t happen in the order we might have imagined, and how beautiful that can be. Motherhood isn’t out of reach for you. I can’t wait to share her story with you!
Have you ever asked these questions?
✔️ How do I put myself out there without coming on too strong or appearing desperate?
✔️ I keep getting my hopes up about relationships, and they keep not working out. How do I keep myself from getting crushed so often?
✔️ What does it look like to guard your heart in a relationship?
✔️ How do I figure out if this is the guy for me?
I promise you’re not the only one. My solution and answer to these questions? The Dating A-Z. I cannot wait to tell you all about it!
"I've had more really great guys pursuing me than at any other point in my life.”
"And not just any guys — really great Christian men. I believe these guys have come out of the woodwork because this course reminded me of my worth and identity in Christ. As a result, I've come alive in my conversations with men. I've been confident, friendly, joyful, and authentically myself. That's what this course did for me."
"Last year was the best year of my life as far as finding purpose and living fully."
"Stephanie!! Thank YOU. I wish I could hug you a million times over. You have no idea what LYSL did for me.
Just about a year later, I am newly dating the most amazing guy ... but I don’t for a second wish he had come into my life any sooner. Last year was the best year of my life as far as finding purpose and living fully and I credit so much of that to you. I mean it! Thank you.'"
"While, I may not have met the man of my dreams, I am becoming the woman in them."
"I have not found my person like some have, but after taking this course, I have had the most confidence I’ve ever had and have been making the most out of my single life! So while, I may not have met the man of my dreams, I am becoming the woman in them. 💞 Thank you for all the hope you bring to women everywhere."
"In July 2018 I went through the worst breakup of my life. I thought perhaps I was going to marry him and out of nowhere he said goodbye.
A few months later I found LYSL. I took the course and it has changed my life. I starting living MY life the way God intended. I was finally happy and fully myself, and doing things I would never have thought of doing as a single person.
Well, during that time I had also started attending a singles life-group from my church. One of the leaders asked me out, and because of LYSL I said yes, which I would never have before. Well he turned out to be the best guy ever. We got engaged in fall 2019, married November 7, 2020, and are expecting our first baby in September 2021.
I can honestly say without LYSL I would never stepped out of my comfort zone and truly embraced my life as God intended for me to live. Thank you again. I'm so happy you are helping women love their lives!"
"Stumbling upon the LYSL course shortly after ending a six year relationship, I couldn’t close my computer fast enough.
I didn’t want to love my single life, I wanted God to bring me the man I was praying for.
About a year later, still feeling like a fish out of water with the whole singleness thing, I decided I had nothing left to lose and ended up signing up.
And wow am I glad I did.
LYSL is refreshing, down to earth, and hits on REAL worries, fears, and confusion about being single while pointing to the beauty to be found in it.
I left the course not just loving my single life but loving my whole life in general. It empowered me to stand on my own two feet while becoming the woman God created me to be.
Take it from a former skeptic: buy the course. It won’t jinx you and it’s worth every penny!"
"Hi Stephanie!
I wanted to share with you how LYSL impacted my life. It started when my sister told me she had taken the course. She said it was the highlight of her year because it helped her live more fully, step out of her comfort zone, and try online dating. She ended up meeting a great guy, and now they are getting married in March!
I was so inspired by my little sister's example that I decided to sign up for the March 2019 LYSL class and I have to say it totally changed my perspective, made me a better person, and helped me be open to people I wouldn't have normally sought out.
I met an amazing guy that September and he proposed in March. We were married this past September and now we have a baby due in June. I credit all these blessings to God and your course. Thank you so much!"
There’s nothing I love more than a girls night...
So in my dream world, I’d rent out an Airbnb somewhere so we could have a big retreat weekend complete with pizza, pedicures, facemasks, and heart-to-hearts covering all of this curriculum.
But it's a *little* more cost effective to let you walk through this in the comfort of your own home (facemasks still a must!) without the plane ticket, food, and lodging fees.
But what does this all cost?
Now, I'm first to raise my hand when it comes to traveling to an in-person women's conference. (Wouldn’t that be amazing!?)
But like I said, I wanted to make this an experience that was more affordable for where you are right now.
The entire LYSL blueprint, with lifetime access to the downloadable audios, video lessons, workbook, and resource collection. (Value $749)
Access to the 8 videos inside the Bonus Vault. (Value $350)
My field guide, How to Talk to Guys. (Value $20)
But, because I wanted to make this experience something you could get ahold of without the travel costs, new cute outfits (bc let's be honest—you know you'd buy a few!), and days off from work...
You have the opportunity to grab a seat inside Love Your Single Life for the special price of …
And when you add that all up, it's a value of $1,119.
When you grab your seat inside LYSL this week, you'll get:
"I've waited at least 10 years to feel the way I do right now. I never believed it was possible, but I just feel so at peace with where God has me right now, singleness and all!"
“This course really transformed my life. I didn't think that it could, but it did! Love Your Single Life is a breath of fresh air in the world of singleness, dating, and relationships!"
"I had the opportunity to take this course last year, and was too afraid. How I wish I hadn't been! I could have been feeling so much more confident and loved so much sooner!"
- tegan
"There are some things that are totally worth sacrificing for — and this course is one of them."
lisa tripled her sales
I'm baby farm-to-table activated charcoal four dollar toast humblebrag pop-up, man bun +1.
suzanne had a 20k launch
90's mixtape activated charcoal copper mug, vape swag kombucha ramps paleo.
If you’re on the fence, I get it. It’s so hard to invest in ourselves. Also, you don’t want to spend a dollar on something that isn’t absolutely worth it!
And so that’s why I offer my 30-Day Love Your Single Life Promise.
Within 30-days, if you finish the course and feel like it wasn’t helpful, I will refund you 100%. That way you can sign up and take advantage of all of the possibilities available to you without any of the risk.
Read our full terms and conditions right here
"This course restored my relationship with myself. From the bottom of my heart, thank you."
"To say the LYSL course changed my life would be an understatement. To be honest, I was embarrassed that I NEEDED to take a course on how to be single. At the time of the course, I was deep in an eating disorder, and every relationship in my life was suffering. I knew something needed to change, so I figured maybe this could help.
Your course prompted me to get back into therapy and seek recovery. And almost three years later, I can truly say that your course was the catalyst that changed my life. Since then, I have fallen in love with a man who makes me happier than I could have ever imagined — and I'm so thankful for that. But at its core, this course restored my relationship with myself. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!"
My relationship with my fiancé would not be what it is now without this course!
"I took the LYSL course last year, a few months before I met my fiancé, and it changed my life. It changed how I viewed my past relationships and helped me heal from them, it brought me to a place of surrender with Jesus, and it helped me be present with the people around me and really take in the moments I was currently living instead of living in the future. I became a much healthier person because of it. My relationship with my fiancé would not be what it is now without this course!"
This course has been amazing — so encouraging and empowering. My friends have even noticed a change in me.
"I was hesitant about signing up for the course. So many people are single and seem to be totally fine with it! I felt embarrassed for wanting help. I was afraid it would make me feel pathetic. But honestly? It made me feel the opposite. This course has been amazing — so encouraging and empowering. My friends have even noticed a change in me. One said that I seem to be radiating confidence. I love that!"
I'm here to help!
If you have any questions about the course, or could use some help figuring out if it's a good fit for where you are in life right now, send me a message!
We can talk through it together!
This area of your life is too important not to invest in.
This area of your life is too important not to invest in.
It's not silly (or pathetic, or whatever else your inner critic is telling you!) to take a course like this.
Loving your single life doesn’t mean you’re giving up on future relationships.
Loving your single life won't make it so you're single for longer either.
(In fact, loving your single life and really making the most of this season might help it go faster, it will at least help it feel like it.)
Most importantly, you're not weak or less-than for needing help in this area. Asking for help isn't weakness — it's strength!
a few reminders (just in case you need them!)
If you've made it all the way down here, hear my heart, friend...
And you want to know the best news in all of this? The things I did are absolutely repeatable! And that's what I'll be sharing with you in this course.
Let's do this. Are you ready?
Friend, I'm sure you can figure some of this stuff out on your own.
So many of us think we should be able to figure this out on our own—navigating singleness, dating, what to do about that guy we like—everyone else seems to have a handle on it, right?
But that's just not the truth. This is hard for everyone.
We all need help with different areas of our lives (our love lives in particular), whether we reach out for that help or not. But in that season of my life, I really learned that strength isn't proving that I can do it on my own, it's knowing that I don't have to and surrounding myself with the best people, the best resources, and the best tools possible. Especially for an area of my life that I cared so much about.
So friend, if you feel like you could use some help navigating singleness, dating, and getting yourself ready for marriage, I would be so honored to walk with you through this season and into the next.
I love this course. It's one of my favorite things we do around here, and I love it so much because I know this is can be a really hard season of life. It's a season without a whole lot of answers but with a TON of questions:
Why haven't I met my person yet? Should I be putting myself out there more? Should I be waiting on God? What does that even mean? How do I stay close to my friends when we're all in different seasons of life? How do I find contentment in this season (and stop falling in the comparison trap)? Why am I constantly put in the friend zone? Should I be online dating? What am I supposed to do with my sex drive while I'm single? ...
I asked all of those questions when I was single (and about a thousand more!).
But along the way — through making a lot of mistakes, and learning the hard way, and through the guidance of some really smart and wonderful people — I found some answers.
I found answers that helped me make my single life a season that I actually really enjoyed.
I found answers that helped me use that season to invest in myself, and in my friendships, and in my dreams, and in my relationship with God. I was able to use that season of life to truly become the woman I had always wanted to be, to start living a life I was really proud of — a life I was really excited to invite another person into.
Not only that, but those things I did are the exact reason I was in the right place at the right time to meet my husband Carl, and they have made an enormous difference in our marriage. (Years later we're still seeing the impact!)
We have answers!
Great question! I think online courses are still a bit of an unfamiliar thing. So let’s break down what it actually looks like to join us.
When you sign up for the course, you’ll create a username and password. That information allows you to log in to a private website where you can see the videos and workbook that make up the content of the course.
The course goes for four weeks, and on Monday of each of those four weeks, you’ll be able to see a new set of videos. They’re pre-recorded, so you don’t need to be a certain place at a certain time. You can watch them on your own time. If you fall behind in those four weeks, that’s totally fine. You can catch up whenever you like. The videos don’t expire. You’ll have access to them indefinitely. So you can take however long you want to go through them, and once you’re through them, you can always go back and watch them again.
So how it works is that you watch the video (they range in length. Some are 10 minutes, the bonus videos tend to be longer), and then once you’re done watching the video, you head to your workbook (which you’ll get when you sign up!) and you’ll answer some questions there.
That way you’re not just learning, you’re putting it into practice in your life!
The third component of the course is that you get access to a private Facebook group. That group is just for women who are going through the course, and it’s amazing because it’s this beautiful community where everyone’s in a similar stage of life. It's a place to pray together, encourage each other, ask each other questions, and cheer each other on. That Facebook group is just so great because everyone gets to find out that they’re not alone in what they’re going through!
So the course really is a collection of videos, and a workbook for you to fill out, and a private Facebook group. You watch the videos, reflect on what you just learned and do some exercises in the workbook so you can actually put what you learned into practice. And you get to talk through it with a wonderfully supportive community in the Facebook group!
Again, I know that an online course is a new concept to lots of us. So I hope that makes it a bit easier to understand!
I’m so happy this topic resonates with you so much!
Unfortunately I don’t offer discounts or do any scholarships, and that’s for two reasons:
The first is that I’ve done everything I can to offer this course at the lowest possible price. Comparable courses and programs are usually offered for upwards of 1,000 dollars! And so because I want as many of us to be able to participate as possible, I’ve tried to keep the cost super low.
The other reason I don’t do discounts or scholarships is because I’ve noticed that there’s such a strong correlation between what we put into something and what we get out of it. When we’ve invested our hard-earned money into something, we’re more likely to give it the best of our time and our effort. You really will get so much more out of this course because you have some skin in the game. It’s crazy how it works that way. But it’s really true!
But, that being said, if you're not able to join us this time around because of budget restrictions, I totally understand. I hope you can join us sometime in the future!
Great question! If you keep pace with us in the Facebook group, the course should take you about two hours per week for a total of four weeks.
But, while we’ll be keeping to this four-week timeline together in our Facebook group, know that you can absolutely take this course at your own pace. You’ll have lifetime access to the materials so you can start them whenever you want and take your time going through them.
And just in case you’re still thinking, “Steph, I’m in the midst of a super busy season. I just don’t think I have time to invest in this right now,” let me tell you a story about a med student who joined us last time we offered this course.
She knew she wanted to take the course but she was beyond busy. She just wasn’t sure it was the right time. We talked through it together and in the end, she decided to join us and here’s why...
She reasoned, “If I’m waiting until I’m done with med school to invest in my single and dating life, well, then I’m going to be waiting years. And then I’ll be starting a new job, and then, and then, and then. There will never be a time where this is convenient, and so I don’t want to wait! I don’t want to wake up years from now still feeling stuck in this area of my life. I want to start seeing breakthrough now, even if I do have to take the course at a slower pace.” I love that! It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, “A year from now you will wish you had started today!”
But of course, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re really busy. If this is you, know that once you sign up for the course you will have access to the material for as long as the course exists (which we hope is years and years to come!).
So if you fall behind, or are traveling, or come across a busy season, that’s totally okay. You can go at your own pace. The content isn’t going anywhere. (And you can come back and re-watch the videos any time you need a refresher!)
That’s totally up to you! If you’re loving your single life, feeling totally confident in your dating life, and feel like you’re doing great on your own, that’s awesome! I love that!
But if you…
- Feel lonely, or confused, or stuck, or find this season to be really hard
- Wish you could enjoy this season, but all you can focus on is what you want but don't have right now
- Wish you could sit down with a friend who’s walked this road before and pick her brain about how she did it
- Wish you had some girlfriends who were also single who you could talk to about what you’re going through
- Wish you didn’t have to always learn things the hard way, and wish you had someone to guide you through
- You really have no idea what you’re doing when it comes to meeting guys or dating, or you’ve been trying things and they’re just not working
- You want to start living a life you really love as a woman you’re really proud to be…
Then this course has your name all over it. You can totally try to figure this stuff out on your own. But life is so much better when we do it together, right? You have this resource available to you. Why not use it?
I got an email a few days ago that I could totally resonate with. It was from a girl who said,
"Steph, I saw that you teach a course called Love Your Single Life, and I'm absolutely going to sign up. It's exactly what I've been needing. But I do have this one hesitation...
If I start really loving my single life, won't that make it last longer?
I mean, I don't necessarily WANT to be single, and so isn't embracing singleness sort of resigning myself to it? If I really hunker down, and start enjoying it, won't I get stuck there? And this might be a crazy question, but isn't it possible that if I start to be totally content without someone to share my life with, God might give my person to someone else?"
I totally resonated with her question because I worried the exact same thing. In a way, I felt like I had to be unwavering in my discontentment of my single life so that I didn't somehow get stuck there. If singleness was a big comfy couch, I felt like I had to perch uncomfortably on the arm of it, afraid that if I let myself sink back into it and really enjoy myself, that I'd never get up!
But while that may happen on a comfy couch, that doesn't happen when it comes to singleness.
First of all, God doesn't hand out husbands based on who is most miserable being single. That's just not how it works. (Thankfully!) And second of all, loving your single life doesn't mean you'll stay in it forever.
In fact, loving your single life and really making the most of this season might help it go faster, it will at least help it feel like it.
Making the most of your single life means you're living your life to the full and becoming the very best version of yourself. And these are the exact things that will help you be in the right place at the right time to meet your person and be ready for a great relationship when the time comes.
Not only that, but have you ever heard that old adage, "A watched pot doesn't boil"? My mom used to say it to me all the time as I'd peer into the still water with the Kraft Mac & Cheese box in my hand.
The truth is, that water was going to boil whether I was watching it or not, but my mom was helping me see that it was going to FEEL like it took a lot longer if I just stood there and stared at it. Whereas if I busied myself doing something else, the time would feel like it passed much more quickly.
A watched pot will boil, and the next chapter of your life will start, but the time in between will feel so much faster (and more fun!) if you're making the most of it.
That’s a great question! The last thing I’d ever want you to do is to invest in something that’s not going to really be helpful and beneficial to your life.
So I’ll tell you two things:
First: The principles, ideas, and lessons I’m going to teach you in this course have been backed up and verified by tons of other experts in the different fields we’re diving into. Not only that, but I have personally used and benefited from each of these lessons, and it led to a single life I absolutely loved. And it’s done the same thing for my friends and my readers. In fact, we’ve had over 7,000 women take this course, and we get messages every day about how this course has helped them prepare for marriage, meet their husbands, meet their best friends, and start living the life they’ve always dreamed of.
Second: That being said, whether this works in your life is really up to you. You will get as much out of this course as you put into it. But I know that if you put your heart, your time, and your effort into this course and actually put these things into practice, your life will start to transform.
However, if you go through this entire course and feel that it wasn’t helpful, you can submit a refund request within 30 days of when you signed up. More than anything, I want this to be truly helpful for you!
Absolutely. More than anything, I want this to be helpful and beneficial to your life. And so if you make it through the course and feel like this wasn’t helpful, I would be more than happy to give you your money back (Not happy, because I’ll be sad that it wasn’t helpful… you know what I mean!)
But I do have three things I’ll ask you to do before I give you a refund:
- I ask that you complete the course first and submit all of your completed worksheets to us. I want you to really put your heart into the course, really give it a solid chance before you decide it didn’t work.
- I ask that you include a note to us explaining why the course wasn’t beneficial to you. We want to continue to make this course better, and so if it didn’t work, it’s important that we can understand why.
- We ask that you submit your refund request within 30 days of when you signed up for the course. Since the course is only a month long, we won’t be able to give refunds after those 30 days are up.
Great question! I don’t currently have plans for when I’ll open the course up again. So if you’re interested in taking the course, I’d sign up now just to make sure you’re able to!
That’s a great question!
First of all, I applaud you! I love seeing women make the decision that’s best for them when it comes to social media.
Second of all, unfortunately, the community aspect of the course really is going to require a Facebook account.
And so if you don’t have one, you have a few options.
You can…
- Get back on Facebook just for the next month.
- Create a new Facebook account just for the course. That way you can be part of the discussion in our Facebook group, but you don’t have to deal with any of the other distractions of Facebook.
- Join us for the course without participating in the Facebook community. While you will miss out on the community aspect, you’ll still have access to all of the course content, and materials. So you’ll still be able to learn and apply everything in your life, you just won't be able to discuss it with the other women in the community. But that’s okay with me if it’s okay with you!
It's totally up to you. I'm in your corner either way!
This is actually one of the questions we’re asked the very most, and I totally get it.
I joined a small group not long ago, and my first question was, “Am I going to be the oldest person in it?” We want to fit in with the communities we join, and especially for a topic that seems to accumulate shame with each passing year, we want to know — is everyone going to be younger than me?
This course was primarily designed for women in their 20’s and 30’s, and the women who have joined us for each round of the course have ranged in age from 19-45. But, there is absolutely no age limit. If you'd like to join us, we'd love to have you!
The only age requirement we have is that you must be AT LEAST 18 years old to join us. If you’re 18 or older, we would love to have you!
Now, if you are feeling like you’re on the older end of the spectrum, you might be thinking, “Listen, the last thing I need is someone else making me feel old.” And it can also be really hard to hear people who are younger than you say things like, “I’m running out of time!”
But here’s what I will say — the amount of pressure we feel to get married, the depth of our desire to get married, and the amount of shame we sometimes feel for not being married doesn’t actually correlate with age as much as we think it does. I have met amazing 40-year-old women who aren’t feeling any pressure to get married, and I’ve met 20-year-olds who are being crushed by the pressure.
We all come from different backgrounds, different families, and different types of pressure for when and how these things are supposed to happen in our lives. And here’s why I love that: Because 1. We’re not alone. No matter how old you are, you’re not alone in feeling the things you’re feeling. And that’s what this community is here to show you. 2. We all bring different perspectives, and so we can each offer wisdom and encouragement that the other women in the course need.
So — all of that to say, as long as you’re over 18, you are welcome! We have a wide range of ages in the course, and so you probably won’t be the youngest, and you probably won’t be the oldest either.
But, my challenge for you would be to not let age stop you. No matter how old we are, so many of us struggle with the things we talk about in this course, and no matter how old we are, we don’t have to navigate them alone.
Absolutely not! Anyone is welcome! However, I will tell you that we do talk about Jesus, about prayer, and about the Bible throughout the course. So if that’s something you’re comfortable with, go ahead and join us! But if you’re looking for something that’s more faith-neutral, this might not be the best fit.
Nope. Sorry gentleman! This one is for girls only.
Yes! Absolutely! The women in the course are all over the map when it comes to past relationship history.
Each time, we have women join us who have been in lots of relationships, women who are fresh off of a breakup, women who have been married and recently divorced, and more.
You are so welcome in this community, friend!
Absolutely! We have tons of women join us for the course each time who have never been in a relationship. You're so welcome here, friend!
If you'd like to keep pace with the group, we'll be starting Module 1 on the Monday after you sign up for the course. Then the course will last for four more weeks. However, the course can be entirely self-paced and so if you’re out of town this week (or one of the weeks during the course), or if you fall behind, or are working with a crazy schedule, no worries at all! You’ll have access to the material indefinitely.
You’ll have access for as long as I offer the course! (So hopefully for years and years to come!)
This course is meant for individuals to go through on their own. However if you have friends who are also signing up, you could keep pace together and discuss what you learn at the end of each section!
Each login is meant to be for one person only. I kindly and respectfully ask that you don’t share the content of this course — the videos, the worksheets, the information — with anyone who hasn’t themselves purchased the course.
Real talk for a second? My team and I pour so much time and energy into this course, and we love doing it! This is really so close to our hearts, so much of what we believe we’re meant to do in the world. And when copies are made, or login information is passed around (which is actually stealing) it really hurts our ability to continue.
If we find out that more than one person is using an account, we will revoke your access to the course. (We really don't want to have to do that!) So we thank you so much in advance for your consideration and respect!
This course is designed to be an encouraging resource and a step in a healthy, positive direction, but it is not a replacement for professional in-person mentorship, counseling, or therapy.
I am not a licensed therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselor. If you feel you are in need of help please reach out to a professional or call a help hotline in your area to help you through your time of need. If it feels urgent call your local law enforcement for immediate assistance.
Great question! Before you sign up for the course, please take a minute to review both our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy. Just click those links to check them out!
I’m happy to answer any questions you can think of! Just send me an email!