
How To Free Your Mind Of Lies

I'm Stephanie May Wilson!

I'm an author and podcaster and my specialty is helping women navigate big decisions, life transitions — creating lives they love.

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Create A Life You Love: How to quiet outside voices so you can finally hear your own!

I’m noticing the stark difference between thoughts we want to think and the thoughts that sneak up on us when we’re just not paying attention.

Our minds are a symphony of ideas and perceptions, things we notice, and hopes we carry. And when the thoughts are working together—kind and purposeful, intentional and positive—our thoughts can carry us into the most beautiful of places—the walls of our mind decorated with hope and beauty and love.

But the opposite can be true as well—discordant notes squeaking out from the over-confident violinist hiding in the back. They’re thoughts that creep up when we’re tired, when we’re not paying attention, when we let just one slip, and then another and another.

And these kinds of thoughts reproduce like a cancer—one negative or insecure thought inviting all of his friends to the party until our minds are full of strangers that are bumping and breaking all of the treasures we hold most dear.

This is my greatest struggle.

My battlefield lies in the depths of my mind—the place where I wage the worst battles, and tend to lose the most too.

My thoughts, when they’re at their best, create a wonderland around me— weaving and dancing through life, noticing the lovely and the magical and the kind. They give me special eyes to notice the best parts of life, and God waiting to be found in every single bit of it.

But like most things in life, my mind is not always an easy place to be, and like most things, sometimes it can be gut-wrenchingly hard.

It usually happens without me noticing. One thought creeps in, and I allow it to stay—waving it in with the rest of the party guests, not taking the time to notice that it’s an impostor.

Rejection and insecurity—accusing and horrible—enter my mind, thinly disguised as friends there to tell me the truth.

And when I’ve let a few too many of the lie’s nasty friends in my door, I look around at my life, and everything they’re saying feels true.

I don’t question their logic. I don’t question their presence in my brain. I accept their horrible message and allow it to dictate my reality.

Was that a weird look? They must be mad at me. He must not love me anymore. 

But the best news here is that God knows all about this. Which always makes me feel a lot better.

God knows that the hardest battles happen within the walls of our minds, and so he gave us some hints on fighting back.

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.”

~2nd Corinthians 10:5

We have to pay attention to the thoughts that are in our minds—not letting even a small one slip by. We have to remember that one turns into two, turns into 100—which leaves us shaky, insecure, and confused.

We have to run around with a butterfly net, snatching the lies out of the air, and sending them back where they came from—someplace ugly and really far away. But we don't have to do it alone.

It’s like when the parents come home to the house with the party—picking up sticky Solo cups and herding all of the hooligans out the back door—threatening to call their parents.

This is what Jesus does in my mind. He helps me turn on the lights and herd the liars out. He replaces the hurt and shakiness they left behind with truth and a cool fresh start. And only then do my eyes clear up, allowing me to see the world as it really is again.

Only then can I see that the weird look wasn’t that at all, and only then can I hear the loving words that are spoken to me, and fully believe them.

And when our minds are free of lies, they can be filled with the knowledge of God again—with his eyes, his joy, his peace and love—hanging our precious treasures back on the walls of our mind, knowing that they’re safe and so are we.

What lies do you find yourself believing? How do you take them captive? 

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  1. Destiny says:

    Reblogged this on The Unveiled Project… and commented:
    SO real.

  2. Nancy says:

    What wisdom you have, Stephanie! I too have noticed that I allow myself to worry that others are upset with me. The stories I make up are so ridiculous! It happens most when people haven’t called me in a while. I know that I’m being foolish at the time but I still can’t shake my thoughts. It helps so much to know that I’m not alone in doing this. Thanks so much for your willingness to let us into the deepest recesses of your mind. I will think of you next time and try to pray for acceptance by the one who loves us unconditionally.

  3. Abby says:

    God is SO, SO good. I can’t even tell you how much my heart needed this this morning. This is Lord ordained and I thank you for your faithfulness in writing it. I love the imagery of Jesus coming into the home of my heart, cleaning up my mess, embracing me in a sweet “its going to be okay hug” and inviting me to sit on the couch and talk about why I would let things in thats only purpose is to bruise&break. How sweet it is to experience his mercy&grace. Love it.

  4. Blake says:

    You have the mind of Christ, within the the mind of Christ is the way He thinks, within the way Christ thinks, are His emotions that trigger his thoughts, HIs emotions are his attributes of his characteristics. Love, Joy, Peace, are emotions of God are the lens of how CHrist See’s everything. This is not a life that its you and Jesus, it is a life that you and him are one. It is a union, You are a walking Christ. His mind and thoughts are now your Thoughts. The love of God cast out all fear, 1 John 4:18, Phil and the peace of GOd surpasses every thought, will guard your hears and minds in Christ Jesus. AMP. Every evil fleshful sinful act or mindset was on the Cross with Christ, He defeated it by remembering He was a son. He was light, and as darkness tried to over come him it couldn’t He remembered what He was, a son full of life full of love, and full of every holy attribute. John 1:5 when the light shines in the darkness it cannot over come it. That is what defeated darkness, it took away its power and those things are no longer apart of who you are. Colossians 2:15 God disarmed all the principalities and powers that were ranged against us and made a bold display and public example of them, in triumphing over them in him and in it. Remember. You are in the authority that Christ defeated every bad thought. It is who you are. When you are captivated by His love you are focusing on HIs love focus on what you are in. These things will not bother you. Bless you.

  5. Amy Roberson says:

    This is very timely for me as I’ve just come out of yet another nasty battle with anxiety and getting so caught up in my head that I neglect how amazing my life currently is. I even wrote a post about it today:

  6. Dawn Muench says:

    As usual, beautiful and perfectly and courageously declared. Love it!

  7. Heather says:

    SUCH TRUTH! Our thoughts can run rampant… I most often am caught in fear and worry about my cell phone (texting or calling people). I’ve been practicing putting myself out there and then just setting it down – letting whatever I said in a text be what it is and then focusing on something else (scripture, a good book) to help me not worry about when the person will respond.

  8. cheekhm says:

    SUCH TRUTH! Thanks so much for this reminder.
    The other week I gave myself an anxiety attack about a first date I was going on (not normal for me and the guy didn’t even work out). A dear friend reminded me to breath and read scripture! Totally calmed me down and gave me something to focus on to replace the worry and lies.

  9. lissnics says:

    This is what I needed to hear today. Thank you!

  10. […] Free your mind of lies via The Lipstick Gospel […]

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