Create A Life You Love

Sparkle & Pop- Celebrating the Simple & the Profound

I'm Stephanie May Wilson!

I'm an author and podcaster and my specialty is helping women navigate big decisions, life transitions — creating lives they love.

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Create A Life You Love: How to quiet outside voices so you can finally hear your own!

StephanieMayWilson.comMy love language is beauty.

I see the world in color and flavors and surprises and gifts.

My favorite days are the kind where you feel pretty and strut down the street like the heroine in a movie with a really fantastic soundtrack.

You know- the kind of days where you have big eyes to soak in the beauty of the world- even when the beauty comes in the form of things that are hard.

My surroundings mean the world to me, and my entire day can be made by a really good cup of coffee.

My Pinterest account is the gift that keeps right on giving, and my desktop is constantly full of writing, videos, photos and beautiful things dragged and lovingly kept from all corners of the inspiration-explosion we call the internet.

I’m passionate about the necessity of well-chosen glassware (don’t even get me started), an intentionally decorated house (you have to LIVE there- why not make it look like the inside of your heart when it’s at it’s best?) and really fluffy linins (especially important to me having just spent a year sleeping on a mattress pad and showering with an REI quick dry towel.)

I love creativity and creating and the creations around me, but mostly because they reflect the face of my Creator who is the most stunning of all.

I believe that life is a brilliant display of sparkles and pops and if we take the time to zoom in on a moment and notice, we’ll find the dazzling kaleidoscope of color zinging and bouncing around our seemingly ordinary world.

I believe that beauty is both simple and profound and can be found IN the most simple and the most profound StephanieMayWilson.comparts of life.

And I believe that a life looking for beauty is a life well lived. I believe that stopping to smell the roses is the key to satisfaction, contentment and joy, and that by celebrating the gifts that fill and overflow in our every day life, we give glory and honor and well deserved gratitude to the Giver of the best gifts.

The best gift of all, being life with Him.

So a toast.

To sparkles and pops and gifts and glitter and all things beautiful- both the simple and the profound.

And most of all, to taking time to notice them. And giving credit where credit is due.



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