The Lipstick Gospel

Beauty vs. Ugly

I'm Stephanie May Wilson!

I'm an author and podcaster and my specialty is helping women navigate big decisions, life transitions β€” creating lives they love.

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Create A Life You Love: How to quiet outside voices so you can finally hear your own!

I feel like a rope caught in a tug-of-war – beauty is on one side and ugly on the other.

I’m astounded at the beauty in my life these days. My friendships are beautiful and rich, spread all across the country and snuggled up in my own apartment. My heart is expanding and stretching as a whole new person has slipped into it, teaching me in all new ways what it means to love and be loved.

My days are packed full with meetings and emails and articles to be written, but for me, that’s a little picture of heaven. I am filled with purpose by my job, feeling deeply satisfied as I sprint from one thing to the next, knowing in the most fundamental ways that I’m living the life that I was perfectly created for.

Life is exciting and magical as my adult life is unfolding – unfurling dramatically and with flair like a red carpet from Hollywood’s golden years.

Each email is a surprise – my article is going to be featured, my photograph has been chosen, orΒ (my favorite)Β a message from a reader.

Each day is a montage of dreams coming true and real life being lived. I couldn’t ask for more.

But these beautiful moments aren’t coming without a fight – in fact, it feels like an angry, powerful force is pulling me towards the ugly side of life with all of it’s might, sometimes even coming close to winning the fight.

My mind is the battleground of choice, with the treasure being my thoughts. Back and forth they go, swinging wildly between fear and trust, panic and peace, doubt and joy.

On the best days, I’m filled with contentment as I open my eyes wide to the beauty and richness of my life. But on the worst days, I am dissatisfied with everything, perusing my life with scorn as nothing meets my skyscraping expectations.

On the good days I’m enchanted by southern charm. I’m slowly training myself into a love of sweet tea, and every time I pass Lake Lanier, I’m filled with gratitude for the God of beautiful, blue water.

But on bad days, when the ugly is winning out, Gainesville is compared nastily to all of the exotic places I been so blessed to live. The lake is compared to the perfection of the water in Phuket, Thailand, coming up dingy and small in comparison. The two coffee shops that Gainesville boasts are compared to the patisseries in Paris or the cafΓ© that made the first perfect cappuccino in Florence.

The hills are compared to the Rocky Mountains and the food compared to the real stuff in Mexico, and Thailand, and India.

Everything comes up short… ugliness wins.

There are times when I live peacefully inside my head, trusting the Lord with all aspects of the future, and taking each day as the bite-sized gift that it is – like a morsel of chocolate, a perfect little truffle.

And then there are days when I feel like I’m alone in the middle of an angry ocean – the realities and questions about the rest of my life crashing heavily, over and over again. Those are the days when I cry… big, fat tears. The days when the same reassurances have to be given and when they only manage to soothe the surface of my heart, like Neosporin or an ice pack, before they come back with force.

It’s a battle of beauty and ugly in my life these days and on some days, there’s no telling which side will win.

I wish I gave into the ugly less. I wish that it wasn’t even a contest.

But the good news is that we’re not fighting alone.

We have the creator of beauty, himself, on our side.

β€œThe Lord will fight for you. You need only to be still.” – Exodus 14:14

And his beauty isn’t contingent on our ability to see it in any given moment.

What battles are you fighting these days? Where do you need the Lord to fight for you?Β 

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  1. Hope Naomi says:

    …well I’m sure glad you’re living here instead of Mexico, Thailand or India πŸ™‚

    {but maybe that’s just me being selfish!}

  2. Hi Stephanie – this so echoes how I feel too. Sometimes I feel so attacked its literally like dragging myself up out of the mire to stay sane. But I know if I keep my eyes upon Jesus he will fight for me and I’ll come out the other side. I’m being attacked about my writing right now – being told I’m not good enough and should do something else. It’s a fight to stay in it. Thanks for a great post!

  3. mdpaschall says:

    Comparison is a self prison. Best to stay out of there! xo

  4. Emily says:

    I can so relate to this very battle. But I LOVE how you ended the post…in the freedom and rest that comes from knowing we’re not fighting alone! Because we’re not. That stillness isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.

  5. Lauren Haney says:

    God is with us! And it’s also encouraging to remember we’re not the only females (humans?) fighting the ocean in reach of the chocolate πŸ™‚

  6. Hi Stephanie! your blog is refreshing and awesome. I was wondering how you promote your photography. Do you have another website/blog for it? Do you send it to people so it will be chosen? I have a photo business and I’m wondering how you get exposure πŸ™‚ thanks!

    • Stephanie says:

      Hi Rebecca! Thank you for reading!! I actually don’t really promote my photography. I have some of it under the “photo” tab on my blog, but that’s about it. Some of it is through my work – I work in the marketing department of a missions organization, some of it is favors for friends, and a few people have just approached me about it. I’d say to just put it out there in any way possible! πŸ™‚

  7. misscaramichele says:

    Hi Stephanie!
    This post really resonated with me. I’ve just started a new job which is full of meetings and emails and challenges. It is wonderful, and it is right where God has put me. But it’s hard, and I know that there will be times when I cry, or react instead of respond. I know that with the greater freedom and creativity there will also come failure.
    Such a good reminder that we have a choice. We can be negative, (and sometimes we will be) or we can choose beauty.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and for your vulnerability!

  8. Becca Lester says:

    Hello Beauty. Your blog this morning brought me so much peace- you know, the kind that comes when you lay in a hammock and are content with the wind messing up your locks kind of peace πŸ™‚ It is always relieving to be reminded you aren’t the only one fighting these battles- that we are all but human. And more than that, that God desires our stillness.

  9. K says:

    I so appreciate your words, Stephanie! πŸ™‚ “And his beauty isn’t contingent on our ability to see it in any given moment.” Amen! And He is faithful to bring His mercies afresh each and every day. He will never stop speaking beauty and love to our hearts β€” even in our hardest, most exhausting moments.

  10. Erika says:

    I really appreciate this post. I can totally relate to it… Thank you for your vulnerability and authenticity. Thanks for opening up!

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