
Finding little bits of island.

I'm Stephanie May Wilson!

I'm an author and podcaster and my specialty is helping women navigate big decisions, life transitions ā€” creating lives they love.

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Create A Life You Love: How to quiet outside voices so you can finally hear your own!

My life makes more sense to me when I think of it in seasons.

Years of education train us to see ourselves ā€“ our work and our play in the segmented time periods ā€“ broken up and spread out.

Finals season always meant work, and lots of it. You could see my exams weighing on me from a mile away marked by my ever-present sweatpants and my puffy, dark eyes.

I had to get through it that way ā€“ putting my head down, shoving all joy to the back burner and ripping off the Band-Aid ā€“ barely taking the time for food and seeing makeup as an unnecessary waste of time.

But the best part was the light at the end of the tunnel. You'd work as hard as you could for a few weeks, forgetting about time and people and food. But then, when it was all over, youā€™d burst out of the tunnel ā€“ confused and squinty and in desperate need of a shower. You could finally relax.

You could sleep now, pluck your eyebrows, and rejoin the world of friendship and social interaction.

Life outside of school ā€“ the ‘real world' as some call it ā€“ is different. Seasons go undefined and sometimes work seems to drag on without a landmark or an endpoint in sight.

Sometimes work feels like finals without the benefit of the built-in vacation as the grand finale.

I'm in one of those busy seasons now ā€“ squeezing out every bit of energy out of my writing brain, my ability to keep details straight, and exhausting my camera to the point where I actually am starting to feel sorry for it.

I'm jugging 10 million things and in this last week decided that it was a good idea to agree to no less than six guest posts, to shoot and finish two videos in the next 5 days, all while trying to wrap up the projects that I'd already committed to and keeping track of emails about the projects to come.

But if I'm being really honest, I like living this way.

I like being busy and get a charge out of having 500 more things to do than any sane person would try to handle. I love the work that I do. It makes me feel like Iā€™m contributing to the world in the way that I was meant to.

I'm happy to put my head down and ruthlessly check things off of my to-do list. I don't even mind that makeup has fallen by the wayside, sloppy and half finished, and that sweatpants are starting to become a part of me.

But this isn't something that I can (or should) do forever. Friendships and relationships and the important things would all suffer ā€“ and without them life would be flat and colorless.

And so it's up to me to divide the seasons. I no longer have the luxury of being shoved out into the sunlight at the end of a few busy weeks. I don't always have an island vacation to force me into slowing down and taking some time to rest.

It's my job, my responsibility to be able to tell the difference between finals time and time for a break. It's up to me to find an island in the midst of the craziness.

And so that's what my life looks like these days.

Itā€™s the real life version of finals season ā€“ one guest post here, one video there, four emails done, time for more coffee.

But I also see my island in sight. May is going to be a month that's crammed full with another kind of goodness.

One of my favorite people in the world is getting married to an absolutely wonderful man here in the South, and all of my best friends are flying out for the occasion. My house is going to be stuffed full of my favorite people for several days and I cannot wait.

My birthday is a few days later, and I get to ring in my 25th year with best friends and true loves.

A few days later we welcome another group to World Race training camp ā€“ inviting them into a year that will forever change their lives.

And a few days later, my sweet boyfriend and I are headed to Mexico for a week with my family.

Delight, and more delight.

The summer will be packed full of life lived by the lake, doing work poolside, and lots and lots of weddings.

The island is coming in so many ways.

And so in this season ā€“ for just a few weeks more ā€“ it's finals time. It's busy, caffeinated, and bleary-eyed. And that's ok.

I'm sneaking in little bits of island in in the meantime.

How is your life broken into seasons? What season are you in now? How do you find little bits of island in the meantime?Ā 

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  1. Kadi says:

    I clicked on your post with coffee in hand, excited to read and it was so…. refreshing!!!

    Oh, I’m currently in a “Just be” season. No major planning (I’m a bit of a planner), so I’m learning how to just be and it’s tough šŸ˜‰

    • Stephanie says:

      Kadi, I love that you read this post with coffee in hand. I also love the word “refreshing.” I’m so glad that you’re learning to just be. It’s difficult but so worth it!

  2. Catherine says:

    I love this! It puts into words something that’s been hard for me to figure out since graduating two years ago. This is my first year teaching, so I’m getting a built-in-island, but as I try to decide whether or not to keep teaching, the idea of a job with no defined breaks is very daunting to me. Like you wrote, I think I thrive off fast-paced living, but I get really burnt out if I’m not careful. I would say I’m in the season of transition (still), but answers are coming every day. My islands often include a good cup of tea with a friend and an afternoon drive by the ocean šŸ™‚

    • Stephanie says:

      It is so easy to get burnt out if we’re not careful. And your island sounds absolutely beautiful. I need to move closer to the ocean. I want that kind of island. šŸ™‚ I hope that your transition becomes more smooth by the day. šŸ™‚

  3. “My island” -such a cool tag! I like thinking of life as seasons too, it helps me move forward with passion and vision throughout the season. You are special and I hope to see you soon!!!

  4. Erika says:

    Really enjoyed this! I am actually in finals week now and I treat them quite the same as you do! I’m looking forward to this time next week when everything is submitted and I can breathe a big sigh of relief and move onto the next phase in my life. For some reason — even when I wasn’t in school — my life has still followed that “semester” pattern. Weird.

    So glad that you have work that makes you feel like this: “I love the work that I do. It makes me feel like Iā€™m contributing to the world in the way that I was meant to.” šŸ™‚ That’s what I’m looking for. It’s always nice to know that someone else has found that — that it’s something that’s possible!

    • Stephanie says:

      I love that moment when everything is submitted. It’s so weird how semesters seem to follow us. And it’s absolutely possible. šŸ™‚ Thank you so much for reading Erika! šŸ™‚

  5. christy says:

    I need some island in my life. This is a good, challenging truth.

  6. I love this piece, and wow, your photos are stunning!

  7. Megan says:

    I love your description of finals week! So true, and that is the season I am in right now… still college finals though!
    I understand liking to be busy, feeling satisfied by crossing things off your to-do list, but am also so glad you are taking time for yourself to relax! So important!

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