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The Lipstick Gospel

Falling In Love

I'm Stephanie May Wilson!

I'm an author and podcaster and my specialty is helping women navigate big decisions, life transitions — creating lives they love.

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It’s my firm belief that everyone has their season—that one season out of the four where your heart comes most alive. The colors of that season are your favorite—filling your wardrobe or your home or your heart. It’s the season you look forward to most, where all of the magic of the world seems to spill out and dance just for you.

Spring is that season for me. It’s the season that matches me—the hues of my hair and my eyes. It’s a season that I look forward to, the break from the cold of the winter, the new life, the rebirth.

Spring is the season that looks and smells and feels like me—the season that comes just in the nick of time and not a moment too soon.

But in the past few years I’ve begun a love affair with fall.

Falling In Love - The Lipstick Gospel

It’s not my season—the colors clashing with me horribly. I’m not an orange or a burnt yellow. I’m not a deep red and certainly not a brown. I don’t love Halloween, having been a certified “scardie-cat” my entire life, and I certainly don’t love going back to school.

But fall is a season I’ve fallen in love with nonetheless, loving it for the season as my own.

I love the change of fall, the relief from the summer heat that it brings. I love the transition, the physical demonstration of the transformation that always seems to fill that season of the year.

I love the newness of fall—bringing about more life change than New Years ever seems to.

I love the gifts that fall brings in its wake—the invitation into coziness, the first excuse of the year to stay inside and curl up with a book. I love the flavors, seeking pumpkin everything, most especially in my lattes.

Falling In Love - The Lipstick Gospel

And I love the colors.

Colorado has a beautiful fall, although tragically it’s usually short-lived. Winter sneaks in and steals fall’s thunder—always bringing about a heavy layer of snow, and always on Halloween, forcing snow pants on our carefully chosen costumes.

The leaves change, certainly, but only into a cool color of yellow, weighed down by the snow before they ever turn a bright red.

But fall in the south is an entirely different experience.

As I was driving to work this morning, I zoomed around the corners and over the hills of the country roads. I remembered my first few months in Georgia last year, and my utter amazement as I watched the gigantic trees turn from green, to yellow, to striking, tear-inspiring shades of red.

I remember the red leaf I picked right before Carl kissed me for the first time, and remember how sweet it was to fall in love surrounded by colors and a slight chill in the air.

Falling In Love - The Lipstick Gospel

Fall isn’t my season—doesn’t match me, doesn’t reflect the colors of my heart or my hair or my eyes. But it’s a season that I’m so grateful for, a season that I’m so looking forward to borrowing, even if just for a season.

What is your season? What are you looking forward to about fall?

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  1. anne taylor says:

    I love fall, so I’m so glad that you’re growing to love it. And I love seeing more photos of you. And I love you!

  2. Amy Roberson says:

    Fall is most definitely my season. College football, the fair, cooler weather, leaves changing colors, and I’m an October baby, which probably makes me most biased. And being redhead/brunette, fall looks good on me. 🙂


  3. hooleywithaz says:

    fall is also my season. it’s just the right mix of messy and crispy clean at the same time. plus, it’s sweater weather here in minnesota, which cannot be beat.

  4. Amie Gallegos says:

    I love this :)!

  5. One of my friends calls fall “Husband Weather” because you get to cuddle closer to your husband in the fall. (To me, cuddling goes with winter but she’s a Southerner so we’ll let is slide since they don’t really know about winter anyway).

  6. Kristenbobisten says:

    Winter is my season. Surprisingly because i think many would think of me as a summer girl. I just love how Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years are all wrapped up in one! Thank you for blogging, it has blessed my life tremendously reading your posts! <3

  7. Sam says:

    My season is totally Fall. That feeling of change just excites me and scares me all at once. I love LOVE cozy clothes, like sweaters, scarfs, and the excuse to cuddle. With every good change, I can be fearful. I begin to ponder about what is coming and thinking about what is left behind. I wonder what challenge is coming next and I brace myself with prayer. I know change is necessary, but i always feel the need to be prepared. I love the chill in the night that comes with fall, a promise of refreshment for the night time. Cooling off has always been my favorite part of the day. Fall is my season for all its beauty and change.

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